Thursday, August 1, 2013

An America One-Shot ~ Sadness

Character: America [Alfred F. Jones]
Fandom: Hetalia
OC: ____

I set my keys and purse on the table. While walking to the living room I shrugged my coat off my shoulders and called out, “Alfie? Are you home?”

I checked the everywhere then finally headed towards our bedroom. As I quietly walked across the carpet I heard soft sobbing. I opened the door and found Alfred sitting on the floor surrounded by a few random trinkets from the time he was a part of England. Oh, Alfred.

Tears started to build up at his figure. He was just sitting there with a hand on his forehead, softly crying as he gazed at these things. He stopped suddenly, noticing my appearance and tried to wipe his tears away.

Rushing down to him on my knees, I held his hands, “No, honey. Let it out. You've been trying to play the hero ever since you won the war. I think it’s time you let it out. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be sad about this.” As I wrapped my arms around his shoulder he leaned into my embrace. I set my head on his and rubbed his back.

Alfred sniffed a few times and said, “I hurt him, babe. I know I had to but… You didn’t see his face that time. And I know that while I’m here… being sad… He’s… He hates me! How can I ignore that?! He was my big brother!” I could feel the tears start to soak into my shirt and I let a couple tears escape. I never liked seeing anyone sad, especially my boyfriend.

“Shh… it’s okay… And Arthur doesn’t hate you-”

“How do you know?”

“Like you said before, he was your big brother, he loved you, Alfie. He still does… He was just upset when you left, but I’m sure he’s over it now. I think… I think he was just being overprotective before. He didn’t want to see you grow up and be a country yet you became one anyways- A great one at that. I think he’s proud, even though it may not seem like it.”

As I glanced down I noticed his tears had stopped and he just sat there, processing what I told him. I took the opportunity to sit in front of him and wipe his tears away. I stared into his blue eyes and took off his glasses, setting them aside. He let his eyes close as I gently wiped them.

I left my hands on his cheeks and smiled, “Better?”

He nodded slightly and sniffled, “Yeah… I guess that makes sense… Hehe, maybe I’ve been overreacting to this.”

I rubbed my thumb against his cheek and said, “I think you’ve just been too hard on yourself.”

Alfred breathed deeply and huffed, “I must seem totally lame right now and so not like a real hero.”

Quickly, I pecked his red nose, “You are a real hero. And hey, have you even watched your own superhero movies? The heroes always cry at some point.”

He grinned, “Yeah, and they always get a kiss too. So where’s mine?”

I let my hands drop and narrowed my eyes at him, “I already gave you a kiss.”

He rubbed his nose, “What, that?! That was nothing!! I mean a real kiss, like this.” He leaned forward and passionately kissed. He grabbed my waist but couldn't pull me closer from our positions. I settled into the kiss making it more passionate. Right when I was really getting into it, he pulled away.

A few seconds later I opened my eyes and pouted, “Why did you stop?”

He laughed, “I was just giving you a demonstration. You have to kiss me like that!”

I blushed since he was waiting expectantly for this kiss. I felt a little self-conscious for a moment but quickly threw that thought away. I pulled him in by his shirt and kissed him just like he had kissed me. A few minutes later, when we needed to stop to breathe, he just looked at me.

“What?” I questioned.

“Nothing,” he shook his head and smiled. “I was just staring at you ‘cause you’re so beautiful.”

I smiled in thanks, “Well look at you. Just a while ago you were sad and now it’s like you’re same old happy America.”

“Well that’s ‘cause I have nothing to worry about anymore and I got the best birthday present.”

I laughed and tilted my head, “And what is it?”

He grinned and itched his cheek with his finger, “Well, you comforted me, you kissed me, you’ve been staying with me… So… you. You’re the best birthday present!”

I laughed some more, “But I didn’t give you something new.”

“That’s okay. All I need and want is you.”

I reached over and hugged him, “You silly man… I love you.”

Alfred pulled me into his lap and kissed the side of my head, “I love you too, ____.”

An America One-Shot ~ Joy

Character: America [Alfred F. Jones]
Fandom: Hetalia
OC: ____

“Woo-hoo!!!” I screamed.

“Yeah! This is totally awesome!” yelled America.

I giggled and turned to him, "Alfred, you say that every year.”

He smiled, “I know, but that's because there's no other way to describe it, babe.”

We both sighed in content and laid down on the blanket, continuing to watch the fireworks fill the night sky at the park. Ever since I met him we would do this on Independence Day. The only difference these last couple of years is that we cuddle... and maybe make out a little.

Yep, Alfie and I have been going steady for about two years now, but we've been best friends for much longer. It's actually our anniversary tonight, but that's another story. I will say that a very small part of it is so that we can have a huge party consisting of celebrating the 4th of July, his birthday, and our anniversary.

I used my arm to help me sit up while the other laid on his chest, “Alfred?”

He looked up at me, “Yeah?”

I smiled shyly, remembering a bet we made earlier. I won.

I stared down at him, “Aren't you going to do it?”

“Do wh- Oh,” he smirked. “Let's try and keep things PG-13 here, alright?”

I smacked his shoulder, “Alfred!”

He kissed my flushed cheek and chuckled, “I was joking!... Hey...”

I rolled my eyes, “What?”

He sat up properly and pecked my lips, “I love you.”

I kissed him back, “And I love you.”

Alfred stood up and stretched. Then, he helped me up and gave me a quick hug before saying, “I'll be back in a few minutes, ____.”

I gently pushed him away, “Take as long as you need.”

In a flash his clothes were gone, leaving him in an American Flag morph suit. He grinned at me and did his hero stance. Cue me, taking a picture with my phone. I giggled as he ran around the park; other people started laughing as well.

Whoever lost the bet had to wear that morph suit and run around singing-

 screamed/sang America, my boyfriend.

Yeah, as you can see I did everything I could to win so I wouldn't have to do something this embarrassing. He doesn't mind though, because he really is proud to be an American- To be America... land of the free... and home of the brave.