Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Naruto Uzumaki Song-Fic One-Shot ~ Sign

Character: Naruto Uzumaki
Fandom: Naruto
OC: Asako
Song: Sign [Flow]

I realize the screaming pain
Hearing loud in my brain
But I'm going straight ahead
With this scar

His head hurt, but Naruto couldn't seem to move a single muscle. It hurt. Everything hurt.

Can you hear me
Can you hear me
Can you hear me, so am I

"Naruto!" Sakura was on her knees and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Can you hear me? Are you alright?! God your bleeding! Sai, go get Kakashi-sensei!"

Sakura tried to heal him, but her hands were shaking too much. "Can you hear me? Naruto, can you hear me? We're here now."

Sai ran back, mud flying from the heavy rain. "Sakura, Kakashi-sensei is too busy fighting the enemy. Can you heal him?"

All she could do was shake her head. "I've run out of chakra and I can't, I just-" Sai seemed to understand, for he nodded.

"I guess all we can do is wait and hope Naruto will wake up."

I don't mind if you don't remember
All the feelings that we used to share
For I've sealed away my heart into the darkness

Naruto could faintly hear his friends frantic tones, but he pushed them to the back of his brain as he thought about you, Asako. You had left him before Jiraiya left to find information on the Akatsuki in Amegakure. You had went after him because he was your adoptive father.

But you never came back.

When Naruto heard the news that Jiraiya died, he couldn't take it, but when Tsunade had said it was possible you either died or joined the Akatsuki. He couldn't bare it. He needed you most, but you weren't there, everybody expected him to either defeat Pein or hide like a coward [in his opinion].

But it's like you didn't care anymore.

And Naruto ended up not caring either. It just seems everyone he starts to really form a bond with... dies or leaves...

It's just fine if you end up hurting me
'cause I don't feel pain anymore
I just drag my feet behind me
Towards what's held in store

On a mission, he saw you. You- You were with them. The Akatsuki. Naruto was outraged! How you could you join the organization that killed your father?!

It was fine though, if you hurt him, because Naruto's love and determination were locked away.

All he did nowadays was eat, sleep, and go on missions. He woke up everyday, dragging his feet with every step, hoping you'd come back. Or Sasuke. Or Jiraiya. Or his parents.

But that was impossible. 

I had been led astray
With no hope to be found
My heart withered away
And I fell to the ground

When he saw you, he went after you. No, not to take you back, not to hold you, kiss you, but to ask why.

Why you left. Just why.

Of course the Akatsuki members tried to keep him back. He also ran away to finally get away from his now repetitive life. Becoming Hokage seemed boring. Talking with his friends was always dull. He just couldn't seem to be happy.

He lost hope.

Because of this, he only half paid attention when fighting. Which is why Naruto is bleeding on the forest floor.

Then I heard a voice within the blowing of the wind

You had secretly come back to check on him, for you did still love him. He remembers you softly calling out his name. "Naruto."

Please let me show you the pain
My scars have made me obtain
Before the weight of the world
Comes crashing down on my shoulders

Though Naruto was seriously injured, he had a look of disgust on his face. As if to say 'This is your fault. Do you feel my pain now?' He wanted to voice it, but he couldn't. He felt like everyone, even the enemy, was expecting something grand from him.

Do you remember the time
Our tears fell down from the sky

He found his voice and asked, before you could leave, "Do you remember, Asako...? We used to be on the same team. We used to laugh together, fight together... cry together. We would cry for hours if someone died, like when Haku passed away. When Sasuke left..."

All you did was stare at him. In your mind, you were slowly breaking down, but he couldn't see. He won't, he'll only try and save you.

Someday soon when I'm gone
Never think that I'll neglect you
For the pain that I've
Sealed away in your heart will protect you

You had turned away, but Naruto had continued talking. "I'm going to leave. Or, I guess your the one leaving, but I just want to say I'll always care for you. My pain is your pain so you'll get stronger and be better protected." Naruto managed a smile.

Can you hear me, so am I

Although I've blocked all of my feelings
Even the ones caused by being kind
Every now and then I hear a voice
Inside me seem to cry

You took a few steps, preparing to run away, but stayed to hear him through. You heard him sigh deeply, "Even though I care for you... I seem to not care or feel anything for anyone else. Everything is dull. Funny, coming from a loud, happy, knuckle-head ninja. Most people, except you, don't know that I cry at home. I've probably been slowly dying for years..."

Like when you undo
A button from it's hole
My bitter torment drew
My body from my soul

"It was only a matter of time before the pressure and guilt of loss got to me. I've felt useless and lifeless for a few months now..."

So I'm crying out in hopes to fill my empty heart

"I thought maybe my friends would put more effort into helping me, but even Sakura has nothing to say to me..."

He watched you finally walk away...

Please let me show you the pain
My scars have made me obtain
Before the weight of the world
Comes crashing down on my shoulders

Naruto remembered that time very vividly, for it only happened a few hours ago. Soon, the rain had come and his vision would come and go. He felt so heavy, like a giant toad was laying on him, and he had experience to know how that felt.

Do you remember the time
Our tears fell down from the sky

He whispered to himself, tasting the salty rainwater on his lips. "Do you remember the time we spent together? How we would cry just like this sky...?"

Someday soon when I'm gone
Never think that I'll neglect you
For the pain that I've
Sealed away in your heart will protect you

"I said you'd be protected, but only if you feel the pain too... Only if you lov... Loved... Me..." Naruto's vision finally gave out.

Can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?

Naruto's thoughts were all scrambled, but this one thought always came back. 'Asako... Did you ever really listen to me? Did you ever feel my love for you? Can anyone hear my pleas for help?!'

Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
So am I

"Naruto! Naruto can you hear me?"

Naruto came back to reality. He could hear Sakura again. Heh, I guess Sasuke was right. She's annoying... But in a good way.

"Naruto. Everyone's worried, I think I'm worried too. I feel the need for you to be okay." Naruto could feel his eyebrows furrow, and that alone took much energy. Ugh, Sai. Why is he here? But, Naruto silently thanked him for worrying.

"Naruto? It's Kakashi-sensei... We're back in Konoha. We're at the hospital. Lady Tsunade is on her way. Just hang on." That lazy ninja, what does he care? Naruto wondered when he tried to help before, but again, he silently thanked him.

I have finally found
All of the heartbroken moans
That I keep hearing sound
Are from my voice alone

Naruto guessed that no one tried to help him because he was so pathetic. Maybe he just ignored their help... He figured it was his later thought.

And I've done this all for this one moment here with you

I guess, Naruto thought, I just hoped you would somehow hear me... and come back, or I'd see you. He did get to see you, that one moment in which was probably the last he would get to see you.

I'm sure that right from the start
You always knew in your heart
That I'd always be the one
That you could count on to care for you

Naruto remembers how you would always hang out with him. He was the only one who got to see you cry. When they were little, you'd always go to him if someone was picking on you.

You could always rely on him.

So why did you leave?

I have been leading you to
The sign that I left for you
Someday soon when I'm gone
Never think that I'll neglect you

Since you were always close to him and always believed in him, he slowly fell for you. He would subtly leave hints, and he thought you had got them since you two grew even closer. And when Naruto would leave for long missions, he always wrote letters and thought of you in his spare time.

If you will follow the pain
That through me you have obtained
There is nothing in this world
That will be able to hurt you

Naruto opened his eyes and saw all of the relieved faces of his teammates and comrades in the bright hospital room. But a few faces were unfamiliar. There were three ANBU ninjas, two of them were holding back someone, like they were dangerous, but wanted to be here. Naruto's vision adjusted and noticed it was you.

Why were you here?

But don't forget all the things
That bring out your smiling

Everyone noticed the now tense atmosphere and Tsunade spoke up, "Everyone, leave. Asako won't harm Naruto; you can let go of her. She won't try anything with all of us here." You rubbed your wrists from the hard contact of the ANBU agents grasp and sighed once they finally left.

Tsunade still stood there and smiled knowingly at you. You returned a sad, almost homesick look.

You turned your attention to the bandage covered ninja. Who you knew was probably already healed.

Then you did something Naruto did not expect.

You smiled.

Someday soon when I'm gone
Never think that I'll neglect you
Someday soon when I'm gone
Never think that I'll neglect you
For the pain that I've
Sealed away in your heart will protect you

"Naruto...... I hear you've been in a very depressed mood. It's not because of me, is it?"

Naruto lowered his eyebrows, "What do you care, Asako? It's not like I went on a total shutdown after more people I've loved just left me." Note the sarcasm that was held in his tone.

"It was bad timing, my mission-" Naruto was confused. "-but it was just a perfect opportunity, for the village, and the world's safety. I went to get information on the Akatsuki. I didn't even know Jiraiya..." Naruto started to become himself again, and felt sorry for you when your voice cracked. "... He- I didn't know he had... di- passed away until their Leader told me. Basically, I became a prisoner, but they knew I wouldn't leave. I guess everybody knows I'm a slowpoke." 

Naruto felt his mouth twitch into a smile. Yeah, he knew you were always so slow. Kakashi-sensei even had to carry you because you were holding the team back one time!

You sighed again, "It was torture. Waking up to see my father's murderer and not being able to touch him. And I felt overjoyed when I saw you coming after me. You still cared even though it looked like I was a traitor to the village. You gave me the strength to carry out my mission, and the strength to run as fast as I could. Don't tell anyone, but Konan helped me out a little-" Naruto must have had a weird look, for you giggled and explained a little more. "-the blue haired one."

His gaze softened at your next remark. "I felt invincible after seeing your pain that day, knowing in a way... You had it worse than me. Gosh, that sounds bad, but you understand." 

Can you hear me
Can you hear me
Can you hear me

You continued noticing Naruto wasn't talking yet, "I've been back for a week. Tsunade still has to find the time to explain why I'm here and that it was just a mission...... You've been unconscious all that time. I came to see you everyday. I actually came to the hospital the second I made it back home."

You walked closer, sitting on the bed next to his left side. You played with his hair then let your hand drop to caress his cheek, "You look like you're trying to figure something out... To answer your question. Of course I remembered our times together. And I... I love you. I always have."

Naruto finally spoke, "I guess we had a relationship without confirming it existed. At least saying these words to each other were better late then never... I've always loved you too, Asako."

They smiled sweetly at each other and stared into each others eyes, confirming that what they said was true. You leaned down as Naruto tilted his head slightly up, and you both kissed for what seemed like an eternity in heaven.

Slow and soft.

So am I

OC: Asako
Meaning: Morning Child
Song: Sign [Flow]

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