Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Sasuke Uchiha Song-Fic One-Shot ~ Dare You to Move

Character: Sasuke Uchiha
Fandom: Naruto
OC: Nana Hamasaki
Song: Dare You to Move [Switchfoot]

Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next
What happens next

Sometimes, Sasuke hated being an Uchiha.

When he was born, his father expected him to be a genius; to be able to easily surpass his older brother, Itachi. All Sasuke seemed to do was disappoint him. Sasuke was very smart. Just not smart enough.

After the massacre, he had more motivation to surpass [defeat] Itachi. He was the top in his class, always excelling in everything, and people looked up to him.

Fan-girls, they were normal, he's had them before the massacre even happened. Sasuke still thought they were annoying. Even so, he should have been glad, everyone was watching him, proud, in a way.

But everyone was watching, waiting for him, waiting to see Sasuke get better and better. Waiting to see when his Sharingan will awake. Waiting to see what happened next; what new jutsus he'd learn. He felt pressured, on the inside, not wanting all these people to look down on him.

Just like his father.

Sometimes, Sasuke hated being an Uchiha.

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

Nana Hamasaki. Sasuke didn't want to admit it, but he was very fond of her. Her and Sasuke's families were associated with one another and so they grew up together.

Nana was training to learn of all the different cultures and fighting styles, so sometimes she would leave for a couple years at a time. Sasuke would miss her, but enjoyed learning what she learned once she returned. Nana was gone during the massacre, and when she came back after two years, she was upset.

She marched straight to Sasuke and scolded him. He was a mess! Yes, his entire family [minus one] was gone, and that would make anybody depressed, but it's been two years since then. Not only has he cut himself off from everyone, but he's set his mind on revenge too!

This was not the Sasuke Nana remembered.

Sasuke was surprised to see her and upset that the first thing she did was yell at him. Even now, Sasuke remembers, word for word, what she told him.

'I dare you to move, Sasuke. I dare you to move. I want to see you get back on your feet. Think of all the good things. I'm not saying to forget about your family, but just try to forget that day. So lift yourself up off the floor and move on for the better. If you can't do that... Then you should just forget today, like it never happened.'
Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be

Every since then, Sasuke has been trying to do what she told him.

In the end...

Sasuke disappointed not just Nana, but everyone in Konoha. He almost liked it, the fact that they expected everything of him except a cold-blooded murderer and traitor, but he still felt empty.

He felt like someone was always watching him with disapproving eyes, and somehow he knew it was Nana.

Tension was all Sasuke felt, ever since he left, ever since he joined Orochimaru knowing what he was going to do with Sasuke; ever since he would roam the hallways of the underground hideout feeling goosebumps every time he'd run into Kabuto.

Most of all, he felt the tension in himself.

The tension of who he is now, and who he could have been. The tension of how this situation is, and how it should have been.

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

'I dare you to move, Sasuke. I dare you to move. I want to see you get back on your feet. Think of all the good things. I'm not saying to forget about your family, but just try to forget that day. So lift yourself up off the floor and move on for the better. If you can't do that... Then you should just forget today, like it never happened.'
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here

Currently, Naruto [that dobe] was chasing after Sasuke sputtering some nonsense about how everyone cared for him and just wanted him to come back home.

Yeah right, the first thing they'd do is lock him up... probably for quite a while too. He sighed for he did deserve it. But did Naruto seriously think he could give Sasuke redemption?

Would everyone forgive Sasuke?

Even if they did forgive him, Sasuke could never forgive himself. The one person who he couldn't ever escape.

Where could Sasuke go? He thought about just ending his own life, but that still wouldn't let him escape himself. So where could Sasuke go?

If Sasuke returned, he'd be punished. Not only by the elders, but by his friends- his friends that considered him family- the people of the village, probably people from other villages as well and-

Most of all...


Who knows what she'd do. She was always a sort of free spirit, but knew when to draw the line and to follow the rules. The rules that were most important to her- Well, Sasuke broke them, most likely all at once too.

But maybe. Just maybe. She could help save him. Help save him from his sins.

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself-
To lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened before

'I dare you to move, Sasuke. I dare you to move. I want to see you get back on your feet. Think of all the good things. I'm not saying to forget about your family, but just try to forget that day. So lift yourself up off the floor and move on for the better. If you can't do that... Then you should just forget today, like it never happened.'

In the end.

Sasuke gave up.

He wanted help.

Especially Nana's help.

Sasuke was overjoyed when he saw her.

She couldn't help but finally break down, seeing him come back.

Nana was assigned to protect him from threats and to help save him, just like he wanted.

After those painful four years of not seeing one another they finally let every mental barrier down and shared their true feelings with one another.


Another feeling was also present.


Nana had forgiven Sasuke, and Sasuke had forgiven himself. Of course, it took a while for that to happen, and it will take even longer for everyone else to even come close to forgiving him.

But Nana's love and forgiveness was now the only thing that kept Sasuke going.

OC: Nana Hamasaki
Meaning: Grace; favor
Song: Dare You to Move [Switchfoot]

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